Cuadro 3: Descripción resumida (en inglés)
Para facilitar el estudio de los distintos aplicativos se agrega un cuadro resumen de las sinopsis en inglés de los distintos proyectos estudiados en el marco de este informe.
Código | Nombre | Descripción (Inglés) |
A.1 | Decidim | The participatory democracy framework. A generator and multiple gems made with Ruby on Rails. |
A.2 | Open Irekia | N/A |
A.3 | Consul | Open Government and E-Participation Web Software |
B.1 | DemocracyOS | An online space for deliberation and voting on political proposals. The software aims to stimulate better arguments and come to better rulings |
B.2 | COMT | Text annotation and collaborative writing |
B.3 | Open Ministry | Crowdsourcing legislation, deliberative and participatory democracy and citizens initiatives |
C.1 | Ushahidi | Read the crowd. Don't just get the data. Get the whole story. |
C.2 | FixMyStreet | Map-based reporting platform |
D.1 | Discourse | A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple. |
D.2 | Loomio | An open-source web application that helps groups make better decisions together. |
E.1 | Etherpad | Really real-time collaborative document editing |
E.2 | HackMD | Best way to write and share your knowledge in markdown |
F.1 | Pombola | Pombola is a parliamentary monitoring (PMO) platform; its biggest instances are and |
F.2 | Alaveteli | Provide a Freedom of Information request system for your jurisdiction. |
G.1 | | (pōlis) helps large organizations and communities understand themselves by visualizing what people think. |
G.2 | All Our Ideas | Allows groups to collect and priorize information in an open, democratic, and efficient process. |
H.1 | Your Priorities | Citizens participation application |
H.2 | e-petitions ( | This is the code base for the UK Government's e-petitions service ( |
I.1 | Agora Voting | Because every vote counts. Open source. Private vote. Auditable. Proven. Flexible. |
I.2 | Helios Voting | Helios is an end-to-end verifiable voting system. |
J.1 | elgg | Elgg is an open source rapid development framework for socially aware web applications. |
J.2 | Adhocracy | A policy drafting and decision making software for distributed groups and open institutions. |
K.1 | Turnometro | A web tool for more effective & inclusive assemblies. |